Taoist Astrology 

What is commonly known as Chinese astrology comes from Taoism. Therefore it truly should be known as Taoist astrology and that is what we are calling it.


Taoist astrology has had a long history, going back thousands of years, and comes from ancient wisdom. It is unique in that it has been and is still considered a traditional Chinese science along with Feng Shui and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). They are also intertwined with each other as the astrology is based on the zodiac animals and elements and Feng Shui works with them as well. TCM also uses elements as each organ is assigned an element as well as yin yang, and how the elements interact with each other is the same as that in the astrology and Feng Shui.
Even today, millions of believers across the globe consult the Taoist (Chinese) horoscopes regularly for guidance. Taoist astrology is based on traditional Chinese astronomy and calendars.

Brief Explanation Of How It Works

Even today, millions of believers across the globe consult the Taoist (Chinese) horoscopes regularly for guidance. Taoist astrology is based on traditional Chinese astronomy and calendars.
There is far more to Taoist astrology than just the 12 animal zodiac signs of which most are familiar with. According to Taoist astrology, a person’s destiny can be determined by the position of the major planets at the person’s birth along with the positions of the Sun, Moon and comets and the person’s time of birth and Zodiac Sign. Taoist astrology is just too far great a subject to ever be covered by website content. Follow our blog and register to receive our newsletter for regular discussions on the various topics. We realize that for our readers to get the most out of this divine tradition, they must be able to easily understand the information. That is why unlike many other websites covering Taoist astrology, we avoid using difficult astrological terms and instead interpret their meaning and use only simple language.
In the simplest form, Taoist Astrology is based upon a twelve year lunar cycle. Your sign is determined by the year in which you were. Each sign and those born under it, are represented by one of twelve animals, and are ascribed a set of attributes the Chinese believe comprise the nature of each particular animal. However, since the (traditional) Taoist zodiac follows the Luna Chinese calendar, the switch-over date is the Chinese New Year , not January 1 as in the Gregorian calendar . Therefore, a person who was born in January or early February may have the sign of the previous year. You need to check the actual date ranges for that particular year to find your sign.
We are direct with our reading as not to muddle the message. We know that few users of Taoist astrology want to become astrologers themselves so we only include information that is relevant to everyday life, and also use simple language while avoiding astrological terms so they can be readily understood.

More information on Taoist astrology can be found here:
*12 animal zodiac signs – a brief description of the characteristics of each one.
*Compatibility of the zodiac signs – a brief of the base compatibility of the signs.